A Fun Game For People Who Have A Face.
You Bring The Face, We Bring The Fun!

Facebook: Face Factor Game
Instagram: @facefactorgame
TikTok: facefactorgame
Twitter @FaceFactorGame1
YouTube: Face Factor Game
Website: facefactorgame.com
Email: admin@facefactorgame.com
Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/lizasalta/face-factortm?ref=discovery&term=face%20factor
Video credits:
Positive_Happy by PeriTune | http://peritune.com
Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
wish I could see your face
Hi Ellen,
I’m Liza, the creator of Face Factor™; a fun game for people who have a face! In Face Factor™, players act out different scenarios using only facial expressions.
I've been a fan of you and your show forever and also enjoy watching Game Night with The Hamiltons! I would love to send you a Face Factor™ game to play with your fun crew! The game is easily played online with friends too.
My story... Face Factor™ oddly came to me in a lucid dream one morning in January, 2019. I awoke and immediately typed up the concept and content before it could disappear from my mind. I never created a party game but committed to transforming it into a product and have it manufactured in the U.S.
I researched the face, expressions, psychology and human emotions, obtained feedback on the name and my son created the logo and video ad on this page. I designed a prototype that was play-tested and refined. With no prior experience, my launch pad was fraught with hiccups, fizzles and false starts. When COVID-19 hit, 2020 saw a spike in board game development along with a scarcity of resources making finding a U.S. manufacturer a huge challenge. But, after months I found a US manufacturer for my game now scheduled for a December 2020 release!
My goal is transforming this dream-inspired game into a reality to ultimately bring much needed laughter and joy to others one face at a time!
Thank you for your time and considering my offer to send you a Face Factor™ game to play!
Please stay safe and sane during these crazy times!
A most sincere face and warmest regards,